Living Your ‘Plan A’: Embracing God’s Timing

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In this episode, host Courtney Leo deeply unravels her understanding of God’s love and plan, challenging the narrative of having a transactional relationship with Him. She encourages listeners to move away from comparison, self-striving, and idealized timelines to embracing their unique life story as part of God’s master plan. Courtney emphasizes the importance of recognizing the abundance of resources God provides and understanding that His timing is always perfect, even when it doesn’t align with our expectations. She concludes this episode reminding listeners of God’s relentless love, irrespective of perceived shortcomings, and His ever-present help in times of need. 

  • Embrace your unique timeline and God’s individual plan for you. 
  • Focus on the present step, trusting in God’s perfect timing. 
  • Understand that God’s love is non-transactional, and you don’t need to earn His approval. 
  • Avoid comparison which often leads to unnecessary frustration and disappointment. 
  • Always remember God’s character – loving, gracious, and powerful – and His willingness to assist you in times of need.  

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