Hold On, Sunday’s Coming: Good Friday Episode

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I had other plans for this week but God came in and took over all of my plans.  

On this Good Friday, I’m reflecting on what it would be like to stand in the disciples’ shoes on that night….hope lost, expectations not met, dreams dead, grief felt. Wow, I’ve felt like that too many times. Today, my heart as we sit in the virtual living room is to encourage you to hold on.  

I share a post I wrote 5 years ago about seasons and change…holding on to hope when we find ourselves in transition. I share from my heart in the hopes to encourage you if you feel hope lost, expectations not met, dreams dead and grief felt.  

In the episode, I mentioned Virtual Coffee Chats…a 60 minute private 1:1 session for me. I’ve made them more accessible than ever before. Click here to book your Virtual Coffee Chat now!   
Want to dive deeper and experience long lasting and sustainable change in your mindsets and labels? Consider joining Bloom🌼. Click here or DM me on Instagram to see if it’s the right fit for you! 

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